Pro 16:16 How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.
Who believes this, though spoken by the wisest of men and under divine inspiration ? The getting of heavenly wisdom is better than getting the worldly wealth. Many take care and pains to get wealth, and yet come short of it but wisdom has never been denied to any who sought it.
When Solomon was presented with an opportunity to request what he wanted from Jehovah Jireh, he did not go for ” great wealth” ; he asked for wisdom. God gave him both wisdom and wealth. Later he declared , Pro 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding”.
As compared to grace, great wealth is also limited. “Grace is more valuable than gold. Grace is the gift of God’s peculiar favour; gold only of common Providence. Grace is for ourselves; gold for others. Grace is for the soul and eternity; gold only for the body and time. Grace will uphold us in a dying hour, when gold will do us no good”. ( Mathew Henry’s Commentary)
The current transition calls for wisdom and understanding. The decisions we are making should proof to the world that we are not only knowledgeable but also wise. If we behave otherwise, we will not be setting the right precedence. Wisdom is the application of knowledge.
Additional readings:
Exo 36:1
1Ki 10:8-9
Pr 8:11
🙏Blessed Sunday🙏