2 Samuel 24:10 David was conscience-stricken after he had counted the fighting men, and he said to the Lord , “I have sinned greatly in what I have done. Now, Lord , I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing.”
After counting the Fighting men against God’s will,David was conscience stricken and begged God to take away the guilt.
Feeling remorseful, repentant ,judged and greatly troubled or disturbed by knowledge of having acted wrongly is a red flag raised to alert us that all is not well. This should not make us run away from God but it should make us run to him to seek and beg for forgiveness as David did.
But many suppress their conscience and offer all available excuses to justify their actions ; they sear it with hot iron(1Tim 4:2)
Having a stricken conscience is God given but staying in ever conscience stricken state is fatal for the devil uses it to kill us emotionally, socially and spiritually. Its meant to illuminate our hearts and lead us to the saviour who forgives all.
Further readings:
1Sam 24:5-7
Act 24:16
1Tim 4:2
🙏Blessed Day🙏