Gen 21:1 And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. Gen 21:2 For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
God fulfilled his promise to Sarah by giving her the power to conceive and bring forth a son. Sarah was ninety years old while Abraham was one hundred years old. God’s providences look best and bright when they are compared with his word and when we observe that he acted as he had spoken.
God had the ability to give Sarah his son during the best of her days. Sarah would have gotten her son at her mid twenties when she was biologically functional like many women in her days. But this happened so that we may understand that times and seasons belong to our God.
Yahweh is not limited by our time frames. He will bless us even when the season dictates otherwise. He will release our blessings even during the worst of times. Isaac, also planted during the famine and reaped a hundred fold. He achieved the highest level of agricultural productivity recorded in the Bible ( Mat 13:8)
In the midst of uncertainty, chaos and disorder, our package of blessings is still intact. We will still flourish even at the worst of times.
Further readings:
Gen 17:18-21
Gal 4:23
🙏Blessed Day🙏