Pro 18:18 Casting lots settles disputes and keeps strong opponents apart.
A lot is a chancing event used to settle a dilemma. The purpose is to let the chance event choose a solution from two or more alternatives. If a solution could not be reached by any other means, a lot would end contentions, if all parties submitted to the method and the outcome of the lot( Let God Be True).
But as men cast lots to determine matters, God has already purposed the outcome of every lot and all so called chance events. All lots are entirely disposed by God ( Pro16:33). However, though the Bible in both testaments endorsed the lot, the lot cannot be used on matters where God has already given clear instructions.
If we face two or more choices , we can solve this by seeking the necessary counsel, prayer and by subjecting ourselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is clearly less need for a chance event to provide direction. All you need is to cast your vote as divinely directed. Casting our votes will cause contentions to cease and keep strong opponents a part.
Further readings:
Deu 29:29
1Sa 10:20-24
Acts 1:23-26
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏