Jdg 17:6 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
At one time in Israel there was no installed king to steer the nation toward its God given promises .There was no control or direction at all. People did whatsoever they found fit; they installed home based prophets , Levite’s and priest as per the families demands ( Jdg 18:1,19:1,21:25 ). This also encouraged paganism and idolatry.
Leadership is an essential component in any organisation and the animal kingdom at large. It encompasses the practical skills and ability of an individual or group to lead, influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations towards its objectives.
Leaderless families ,institutions, countries ,churches etc have a risk of falling into waywardness, recklessness, carelessness and a life devoid of restrain and control. This brings about haphazardness in any operation. Leaders make known the path to be followed ,set out objectives and target to be met and offer timelines and guidelines of any operations.
Leaders are important because they shoulder the weight of others , absorb the shock of failure and repel attacks of critics. They are the main defenders of institutions and organizations hence shield them from falling. If law and order is to be enjoyed ,leadership is critical. Where there is no leadership, people cast off restrain. For any organization to florish, leaders must respected, esteemed and supported .
Further readings:
Rom 13:1-3
1Tim 2:1-4
Heb 13:7
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏