Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!(NKJV)
To wait is to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or event takes place.
David concludes this psalm with an admonition to wait on the Lord. He gives the admonition at the beginning of the verse and repeats it at the end of the verse. The structure of this Psalm begins with statements of confidence, followed by pleas for rescue, as if David was reminding himself of God’s protection.
This admonition is good for everyone who wants to do the Lord’s will. God’s timetable may differ from ours. We tend to want an immediate answer to our prayers, but the Lord is never in a rush. He may not answer us immediately, but He has promised to answer, “in time of need” (Heb 4:16). Waiting on the Lord draws us close to Him,teaches us to be patient and strengthens our hearts.ref: (
The Christian walk requires us to exercise patience which is a fruit of the Spirit. While we patiently wait, we should be in a joyful,peaceful mode giving thanks to God in everything for it is his will in Christ Jesus concerning us and at the right time,He will make everything beautiful.
Further reading:
Isa 40:31
Psa 37:7
Gal 5:22
Blessed Day