Prov 24:16
For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.
The year is over and behold, a new one .But the newness of the calendar may have little or no impact at all especially for those who experienced heartbreaks upon another in the course of last year. Suffice to say feeling bad and worthless is common and normal, but remaining in a worthless state is bad.The wise man admits that falling up to seven times is within the limits of the righteous, but the distinguishing factor is the ability or inability to start again. God is promising a spiritual, moral, physical, emotional and financial come back.
Focusing for the year ahead is a strategy to overcome the year behind.”No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”Luke 9:62
A plowman looks straight ahead when he is at work. He can look back to see how good his furrow is or how bad his job is. If he does so, his future will get affected. Jesus is telling likewise a Christian marches on looking forward. So God does not want us to look back and stay where we were, but he wants us to get up and pursue the righteousness and victory in God.
Do you feel unhappy with the way things are and went in your life and wished they change? Do you wish you could start all over again? Everyone loves to see miraculous transformation in life, but anytime we want to have a change, it requires on our part a faith that it can happen and a mindset that is bold to change things in our life. I believe no matter how dark things look, God can turn things around if you decide to change .(Rev Shine Thomas)
Further readings :
Isa 65:17
Phil 3:13-14
Rev 21:5
ππ Happy New Yearπ π