But Jacob crossed his arms as he reached outside when to lay his hands on the boys’ heads. So his right hand was on the head of Ephraim, the younger boy, and his left hand was on the head of Manasseh, the older. (NLT)
Jacob is in the business of blessing the sons of Joseph. As he does so, we see him intentionally crossing his hands and giving Ephraim the firstborn’s blessing. Traditionally, the right hand always gave the greatest blessing to the firstborn son. Here, Jacob was saying; “Ephraim is in the back and not next in line, but I shift him to a new position. I take him from the back to the front. I will give him what he doesn’t deserve.” Brethren, this is what we call favor. (Dr Charles M.)
Our God operates in a similar design. Even now, He is in the business of making divine shiftings. This shifting is to put us in positions we didn’t earn. We may not have the needed seniority, credentials, the economic prowess, but God will cross His hands and say, “I move you from the back to the front, from not being qualified to suddenly being qualified, from being looked down upon or disrespected to being honored and seen with influence and credibility.” That kind of shift will put you at a place where you look back in amazement and say, “God, this is not the doing of any man, this is thy doing.”
At times, we may find ourselves dragging at the back. The back is a place of anxiety, obscurity, struggle and waiting. It is a place where growth seems to be too slow, and where our faith is stretched. Despite all these, God promises a divine shift, a movement from the back to the front. Brethren, It’s the high time we start expecting that unprecedented favor. Let’s believe God to do something new in our life. I’m very sure Ephraim was expecting just an ordinary blessings from the grandpa, but not such kind of divine shifting. Jehovah God did it for him and He can do it for us. May we experience that kind of shifting this year in Jesus Name.
Further readings:
Psa. 110:1
Psa. 118:16
Mat 20:16
🙏 💐Happy New Year 🎊
Amen Amen! Very timely and powerful message…Jehovah God, I receive my portion of divine shift and unprecedented favor this year in Jesus name. Blessings upon blessings Team and happy and blessed new year too to you and your families. Shalom.