Jdg 8:1-2 And the men of Ephraim said to him, “Why have you treated us like this, not calling us when you went to fight against the Midianites?” And they rebuked him sharply.
And he said to them, “What have I done now compared with you? Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the grape harvest of Abiezer? ”
The men of Ephraim felt slighted because they were not called initially to fight against the Midianites. They approached Gideon, offended and hurt, even though the victory had already been won. They allowed their pride and insecurity to turn this into a mountain-sized issue. Often, we make mountains out of molehills, allowing small issues to become great obstacles. We are called to do the opposite: smither the mountain into the molehill it truly is by putting our struggles, conflicts, and insecurities into perspective. Gideon gives us a remarkable example of how to respond to criticism, pride, and conflict in a way that defuses tension and glorifies God.
Small things—hurt feelings, misunderstandings, or prideful assumptions—can feel like mountains standing in our way. It’s so easy to lose perspective, amplify our own grievances, and to see others’ actions as bigger offenses than they really are. When Gideon was rebuked by the Ephraimites, he had every right to defend himself, to remind them that God had chosen him for this victory. Gideon chose the path of humility and wisdom, acknowledging their achievements and pointing to their strengths. When faced with criticism or confrontation, try to respond as Gideon did: with humility, patience, and praise for others. Look for the good in others, even if you feel wronged or attacked. Find a way to lift them up. This approach can turn a mountain of conflict into a molehill of mutual respect.
What mountain are you facing today that needs to be “smithered” back down to a molehill? Through prayer, humility, and faith, lay your burdens before God. Trust that God can give you the peace, strength, and wisdom you need to overcome any mountain: be it pride, anger, or fear. Let us learn from Gideon’s example to face conflict and challenges with humility and grace, allowing God to turn our mountains into molehills. Christ also bore the ultimate mountain—the cross—and transformed it into a symbol of redemption and hope. Our faith in God gives us the power to speak to the mountains in our lives, to put them in their right perspective.
Further readings:
Mar. 11:23
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏