Prov.14.12 – There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
In a fast paced world, temptations to take shortcuts is evidenced everywhere. Be it queuing in a banking hall, hospitals, in a traffic jam, shopping mall etc. Men desire success without struggle, results without the process, and rewards without the discipline. But shortcuts, while appealing, often leads us to unintended destinations—gutters of regret, failure, and spiritual decline.
In the Bible, we have some examples of some characters who opted for shortcuts and their end was not appealing at all. King Saul chose to disobey God by offering sacrifice himself rather than waiting for Prophet Samuel. This kind of impatience and shortcut led to the loss of his kingdom. The prodigal son demanded for his inheritance earlier than was the custom. He was seeking an easy path to happiness only to find himself in the gutter of pigsty.
While shortcuts can seem like the best option, they often bypass critical lessons and character development. God’s path, though longer and sometimes challenging, is the one that refines us, strengthens us and leads to lasting blessings. The” way that seems right” may offer many options and require few sacrifices. Easy choices , however should make us take a second look at the options. Is this solution attractive because it allows me to be lazy? Because it doesn’t allow me to change my lifestyle? Because it requires no moral restraint?
It’s worth noting that, the right choice often requires hard work and self discipline. Let us not be enticed by apparent shortcuts that seems right in our eyes but end up in death. May God help us to trust in His timing and resist the urge to take shortcuts in life.
Further reading
Pro. 30:12
Mat. 7:13-14
Rom. 6:21
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏