1Ki 22:28 Micaiah declared, “If you ever return safely, the LORD has not spoken through me.”
Then he added, “Mark my words, all you people!”
King Ahab wanted to go to war against Ramoth Gilead accompanied by his friend King Jehoshaphat.
King Jehoshaphat encouraged Ahab to seek counsel from the Lord. He brought forth four hundred false prophets who were under the influence of a lying spirit and lied to Ahab.
When one more prophet, Micaiah ,was brought forth, he spoke the truth as had been inspired by the Lord.
At the turn of events, his word was true. King Ahab never returned home as prophesied by Micaiah.
His voice was the minority against the majority four hundred voices. He could have been easily intimidated and afraid to speak but he wasn’t. He was the ” much needed alternative voice”.
Sometimes a deal may seem very good and enticing. This may be a job opportunity, a business deal, pursuing a given academic course, partners in business, marriage or even purchasing an item.
Everyone around you may encourage you to go ahead and make that choice,but there is one small voice that is raising a red light against you going in that direction. It is good to listen, because the voice of the Holy Spirit comes as a small still voice. Many times, the voice of the minority is the voice of God .
Additional readings:
Num 13:30-33
Deu 7:7
1Ki 19:12-18
🙏🏼Blessed Day🙏🏼