Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The proposition that ” Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever” is absolute and means that he is unchangeable. This was meant to encourage believers to persevere by showing them that their saviour was always the same. That he who had sustained his people in former times was the same and would be the same for ever.
If He were fickle, vacillating, changing in character and plans; if today he aids his people, and tomorrow He forsake them, if at one time He loves the virtuous, and at another equally loves the vicious; if He formed a plan yesterday, which He has abandoned today; or if He is ever to be a different being from what he is now….who would know what to depend on? Who would know what to expect tomorrow? ( Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary)
Friends, it would not be possible to conceive a declaration which would assert his immutability than this! That our God is loving, that He is merciful, that He is forgiving, that He is just, that He is our healer, that He is our provider, He is our refuge in the time of trouble, He remains our deliverer. … He is the unchanging God in changing times!
Additional readings:
Psa 102:27
Heb 1:12
Rev 1: 4,8, 4:8
🙏Blessed Weekend🙏