Phil 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
The world today is enriched with pressures and issues of life that makes the heart anxious ,nervous and full of tension .There is no known medication for anxiety unless the burning issues are dealt with.If not handled carefully,anxious heart can lead to other health disorders and complications.
While serving imprisonment by Roman empire,Paul exhorted the Philipian brethren that they ought to rejoice always and relieve any form of anxiety by presenting them to our heavenly father through prayers,petition and thanksgiving.He had all the reasons to be worried and anxious about life while in jail but did not allow it to clog his mind and hinder him from trusting God.
Are you expiriencing racing thoughts as a result of anxiety filled life ? Relax ,rejoice and calm down. Our heavenly father is waiting to handle them if only we present them to Him. His peace will guard our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus giving us an anxious free life.
Further readings:
Psa 94:19
Isa 26:3
Mat 6:25-33
🙏Blessed Day🙏