Eze 37:14 And I shall put My Spirit in you and you shall live, and I shall place you in your own land. Then you shall know, understand, and realize that I the Lord have spoken it and performed it, says the Lord.
In the valley of dry bones, God is talking to prophet Ezekiel through a vision. The situation is desperate as dry bones are strewn all over. After a dialogue with God, Ezekiel gets to know that the dry bones represented Israel who have been exiled. Their hope was gone and they felt completely cut off. God is ready to restore the house of Israel again.
Why is God doing all these? So that Israel will know that God is God “ The Lord has spoken and He will do it again”. In our worst scenario, when hope seem to be gone, God will speak to our various situation and there will be restoration.
The divine restorer is putting life to every dead situation in our life. Since He has spoken, let us trust Him to do that which He has promised. No situation is too hard for our God. May be it’s a health issue, business, career, a marriage that is heading to a rock etc. It’s good to know that the Lord has spoken and is fixing that particular situation in Jesus Mighty name. Trust and cooperate with Him.
Further readings:
🙏Blessed day🙏