2 Ch 32:7-8 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.
The king of Assyria invaded Judah with the intention of destroying the land. Hezekiah did all that he could to prepare the military for the invasion and on top of that he trusted God. He encouraged the people to be strong and courageous for there was a greater power with them than with the Assyrians. With the Assyrians was the arm of fresh but with the Israelites was God to help them fight their battles.
Sometimes life leaves us filling overwhelmed. We look at the circumstances around us and instantly see defeat. Thankfully for the nation of Judah, when the Assyrians came knocking, Judah had a king-Hezekiah on the throne who “did right in the sight of the Lord.”
Satan constantly aims his fiery darts targeting our most venerable areas. As Hezekiah looked out at the vast Assyrian army, we have two choices to make: surrender in defeat or allow God to fight for us.(wellspring christian ministries). His arm is immortal ,while ours is mortal. With them is the arm of flesh, but with us, is the LORD our God to help us fight our battles.
Further readings:
Deu 31:6
Job 40:9
Jer 32:21
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏
..God I surrender my battles to you