PSA 141:5 Let a righteous man strike me – it is a kindness; Let him rebuke me,it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it. Yet my prayer is ever against the deeds of the evil doers.
The psalmist acknowledges the fact that,as a human being , we are prone to err and so warrants discipline. David admits that he would rather be slain by the hard words of the righteous than be anointed by the oily and impious words of the ungodly. David was more than ready to accept the rebuke and correction from the godly.
When David erred with Bathsheba and killed Uriah to hide the sin,the Lord did not relent but sent his prophet Nathan to strike, rebuke and reprimand him for his sinful action. The Lord brought David back to line through his servant Nathan.
Discipline is not pleasant in the time of execution,but it brings great results. The Lord disciplines his children whom he loves. He uses people to execute his divine will and purpose for our lives. He will send righteous people to strike us back to the Line. Like David,we ought to take it positively and in humility accept the discipline from our Father,for he disciplines those he loves.
Further reading:
Psa 94:12
Prov 3:11
Heb 12:11
🙏🏼 Blessed Day 🙏🏼