Pro 29:22 An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins.
Anger always comes with a price tag. Its a major recipe and ingredient during conflict and sin preparation. When someone is angry with you, it’s easy to show anger in return. But before you allow yourself to get mad and retaliate, carry out a self assessment to determine the cost attached to it .
When you let anger take control, there is a cost. You’ll get into trouble, make mistakes ,sin and cause arguments. When you lose your temper, you always lose. You may lose someone’s respect, the love of your family, your health, or even your job. When you lose anger, you may get a short-term payoff. But in the long run, anger always produces more anger, more apathy, and more alienation.
Before your fuse blows up and you retaliate, first calculate the cost, then choose the wise path of controlling your anger. (pastor Rick Warren .com)
Further readings:
Num 27:12-14
Prov 14:29
Prov 15:18
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏