“O Lord, I beg you, now let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who desire to fear your name, and make, I pray you, your servant successful this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.” Nehemiah 1:11
Nehemiah was not a prophet or a priest but a cupbearer—an official of trust and responsibility in the king’s court. Yet, his role extended far beyond serving wine to the king. He was a servant of God, a man whose heart was aligned with God’s purpose for His people. Although he had a significant role in the Persian palace, his heart was with his people and their plight.
Nehemiah’s prayer reflects his humility before God. He acknowledged that he was a servant, relying on God’s mercy and grace. He also prayed for success and favor before the king. He knew that his mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem required God’s intervention. As we serve in our various roles, we too must pray with boldness and confidence. A prayerful cupbearer asks for God’s favor, knowing that with His help, all things are possible.
Just as Nehemiah was faithful in his duties and prayerful in his approach, we are called to be prayerful and excellent in all we do. Whether you are a leader, a servant, or a helper, do it all as unto the Lord. Be a cupbearer who serves with integrity, humility and prayer, trusting that God will grant you favor as you align yourself with His will. Be the Best in Whatever role God Has Given You. Although Nehemiah’s title was “cupbearer,” he went beyond the expectations of his role. He became a visionary leader and a builder because he aligned his work with God’s purpose. In the same way, whatever role we occupy, we should seek to serve with excellence.
Further readings:
Exo 32:11
1Ti. 2:1
🙏 Blessed Day 🙏