Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Bon appétit” is a French phrase that means “good appetite” or “enjoy your meal”. It’s said to someone who is about to eat. Appetite is simply a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need. Although our natural inclinations and appetites are divinely appointed, the devil has used them as one of his most effective tool to destroy his targets. The good news is that when they are regulated and controlled, they become “a holiness unto God”.
Just imagine what it costed Daniel to say no to the kings delicacies presented to him ? Although with a “bon appetit” , he knew very well that what was presented to him would defile him because it had been presented to the Babylonian gods. Eating the forbidden foods ( Lev 17:10-14) would have violated the Jewish food taboo.
Today , Satan’s most effective tool is the uncontrolled “appetites”. This may include but not limited to uncontrolled eating, drinking, dressing, sexual orgies , unnatural cravings etc The Bible encourages us to add to our faith temperance /self control (1Pe 1:5-7). God has given us the ability to say “No” to every insatiable appetite. Let’s sacrifice our appetites for holiness without which we will not see God.
Further readings:
Pro 25:28
Rom 12:1
🙏Blessed Day🙏